Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Chasing your dream lead to sleepless night.

 I think many of you have experience a sleepless night. We try to sleep but can’t sleep. We never really realize why we experience a sleepless night. I will share my own experience why I experience sleepless night.
The moment you start do pillow mantra (dreaming of future as you sleep), it get connected to another dream. And get connected to another dream. It goes on till our night of sleepless night is being created. Then we try our best to sleep but we can’t sleep peacefully with heavy mind. A mind with hopes and dreams of future.
After an hours long of dreaming, mind get totally exhausted. By then it is early in the morning. It is time to wake up. We prefer to sleep over waking up. We miss our daily schedule due to morning deep sleep till afternoon.

I would never chase dream anymore at night. I will avoid doing pillow mantra.
 source: http://thefunnyplace.org/

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