Showing posts with label Random stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random stuff. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Happy New Year,2015

To all the reader, I wish you "Happy New Year, 2015". May the year 2015 be successful, prosperous, wish fulfilling and joy-able year. 
To our astonishing notice, a year 2014 has come to end. If we reflect back to the bygone days of 2014, we see the success and failure we came across but lets forget everything and be prepared for 2015. Let us pursuit the goal of 2015 with dedication and determination but with never neglecting the believe and trust to god almighty, the triple gem (ken cho sum) and the root teacher (tsa wai lam).
A New Year Tashi Delek.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Update from kuenselonline (the daily Bhutan national newspaper) and BBS (Bhutan Broadcasting Service).

Browsing kuenselonline as soon I wake up is my daily schedule. Bhutan is ahead of +6 hours ahead of GMT and Spain is +1 hours ahead of GMT. The time difference between Bhutan and Spain is 5 hours. Bhutan is ahead of 5 hours from Spain. As soon as I wake up around 9am in the morning, Bhutan is 1pm in the afternoon. The update in kuenselonline is already done for the day. I get update as soon I wake up about the Bhutan.
Usually kuenselonline update the news which happen one day before. But I know the news of particular days from BBS. The BBS update their collected news of the day after 6pm BST (Bhutan Standard Time).

I pay my gratitude to Kuensel Corporation and BBSC (Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corporation) for keeping me update. I also thank Miss Chimi Lhamo, a student of Riga University, Latvia for forwarding me a mail the daily eKuensel.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Chasing your dream lead to sleepless night.

 I think many of you have experience a sleepless night. We try to sleep but can’t sleep. We never really realize why we experience a sleepless night. I will share my own experience why I experience sleepless night.
The moment you start do pillow mantra (dreaming of future as you sleep), it get connected to another dream. And get connected to another dream. It goes on till our night of sleepless night is being created. Then we try our best to sleep but we can’t sleep peacefully with heavy mind. A mind with hopes and dreams of future.
After an hours long of dreaming, mind get totally exhausted. By then it is early in the morning. It is time to wake up. We prefer to sleep over waking up. We miss our daily schedule due to morning deep sleep till afternoon.

I would never chase dream anymore at night. I will avoid doing pillow mantra.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sadness and takeoff to normal.

Sadness is the one among the emotions of our life. Reason behind the sadness in the world are unfathomable. There are many reason to be sad. Sadness in deed is the challenging feeling to handle with. It is cause by upsetting events of the life. The melancholy caused by deep sadness might begin to interfere with your day to day activities, ultimately leaving you feeling unenthusiastic and even worthless. You are in Aggression zone, the zone which consist of strong negative external emotion as well with the strong negative internal emotions to hinder your goal.

It is in your hand and mind to decide to bring to the track of Passion Zone. The Passion zone is the zone which consist of strong positive emotions such as joy and pride. There is no doubt, you can win to turn back to passion zone and finally to Comfort zone. The only you need is to understand, failure is the part of journey. Your courage and enthusiasm count a lot during the failure. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tragic of Zamtangkangri (Under Samdrup jongkhar) need to be followed up.

It was indeed a shocking news on top of mourning the state of one’s mind. Before I go any further on discussing the follow up, let me pay my deep of the deepest homage and condolence to the deceased parent and the deceased one. Our homage and condolence along with prayer shall always for late one. “OM MA NI PAD MAY HUNG”. May your soul rent in peace and ultimately rebirth in palace of Guru Rinpoche (Zangthopelri).
Now coming to the followed up, it is not regarding incident of DCM vehicle to be discussed but general observation by public to every vehicles from Daifam to Deptsang (Deptsang to Daifam); Ugyen Phuntsho Rangdrel has rightly said in the comment on Tshedup Zangpo’s post (United Shingkhar lauri group) incident are occurring due to overload. He also said that the drivers asked people to walk till Army check post just to escape from policemen. He is not the one who saw all those tricky being played by drivers but most of the people witnessed it. The situation need to be learned why we (Public) have do all these. They did it because there are no other option to reach to their destination. But then, is there any other better solution and prevention of incident because of overload? Will we always walk without the notice of police to make vehicle overload?
Solution could be: 1) Police Checking in certain point between Daifam and Deptsang (Ahead of Army Check post) to check weather vehicle are with traveling with excess passengers.
                              2) Public transport if possible should be looked for. (Concern Authority to look in to matter seriously).
                              3) Avoid travelling in late night.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

“Hit by arrow” news is alarming.

Bow and arrow, Source: google image.

  The news of people being hit by arrow is alarming every now and then when special occasion come in Bhutan. Within a week, three case were being reported. One on 22nd September in Mongar. (News within the Update of Lunana case dated 25th September, Click here for detail news.), second on 23rd in Lunana (Gasa District), Click here for detail news. and third on 29th September in Wangdi Phodrang, Click here for detail news.. Among three case, Lunana case (Gasa District) was the serious. Even a chopper was provided to lift the injured man by arrow hit. Thank god, as PDP pledged a Cooper to recruit for emergency case and people are clamming their right. But then seriousness should look into. When somebody hit with arrow has provide chopper to reach hospital doesn’t mean all arrow hit victim will not able to access the privilege.
Now couple of question is arising in my mind: Why people are hit with arrow? How people are hit with arrow? I don’t think people hit with arrow easily. The shooter should take care of his shoot and observer should also take care of his position, where he is staying to watch. I interpret, shooter might be drunk or observer might be drunk. But I don’t think my interpretation is right when I conclude the shooter is bad shooter of all time.
I too play traditional archery game in the crowd. Haha… guess I am going to say something good about me but I have to say the truth. My arrows never go beyond the boundary of target (Bacho). There will be an audience as usual. Instead of frightening audience, they are happy with my arrow erecting strongly on the target. What I mean to say here is that bad archer are the one who make audience to hit and chopper lift necessary.
If all archer are bad archer, frequently hitting audience with arrow, then we need to think over who can participate in playing archery game. There will be no selection as such but bad archer know himself, he is bad archer. He should feel guilty himself and avoid playing.

I am keen interest in playing traditional archery and will be always playing cautiously without let chopper to lift arrow hit people to hospital. Let me pray to have safe traditional archery game whenever it is being played and no scene of arrow hitting people. God Bless every archer and observer.
Arrows: Source: Google Image

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Learn to appreciate and appreciate Bhutanese’s work.

Appreciate their work. Appreciate the speech they make. Appreciate the team work and in general, appreciate whatever they do and they say. It cost nothing for appreciating and nothing is loss from us. To be frank, for appreciating the people for doing something, always have good effect. People encounter with courage when their works are being appreciated. Courage of proceeding further. Courage of putting more hardship to have perfect outcome. Indeed a person who is being appreciated and who feels his appreciated will always do more than what we expected. We appreciate the people who appreciate other’s works.

 “The greatest humiliation in life, is to work hard on something from which you expect great appreciation, and then fail to get it” ~E.W Howe. This indicate how much the appreciation is important to be implemented.
More the people educate, more the people understand how to appreciate the people. Educating to complete the course will never understand the importance of implementing appreciation. Understanding of appreciation will come only if we educate one’s heart and soul. I am happy to witness people appreciating other’s hard work but there may be few who will never appreciate other’s hard work. I will bring one simple reality that is being happened with few Bhutanese (young boys and girls). They always say something bad to Bhutanese movie, song and many more. I don’t understand why they blame. Regarding movie and song, they blame because they watch Hollywood and Bollywood movie which is exceptionally good in all-rounder. For me, I appreciate the Bhutanese movie, song and many more because I am Bhutanese. Bhutanese should appreciate Bhutanese’s work and of course we have to appreciate other countries’ work too. I appreciate Bhutanese work because given a chance I can’t direct and come up with simple movie or produce simple song. I don’t think one who blame Bhutanese movies and song can do so. More or less they are also like me. I am sorry if one who falls under this category is hurt with my words.

Let’s (Bhutanese) appreciate Bhutanese’s work first and appreciate other’s in second place.