I still wonder how beautiful a word can be,
When its spoken right out of your mouth.
Nothing feels the same to me,
Old age falls back into youth.
When you call my name out loud,
Million cells dances away with it's sound.
Nothing feels the same to me,
Sadness melts down into happiness.
When you call my name out loud,
Between thousand sounds around.
Nothing feels the same in me,
My whole body just melts down.
The way you call out my name,
No music seems to compete it.
No mood seem to conqure it's warmth.
And no one can stop me to fall for you.
Nothing seems more beautiful than my name,
When its spoken right out of your mouth.
Nothing feels the same.
Nothing makes me happy like it.
I wish you always call my name,
Like a bee wanting for its honey,
I am here waiting for you to call me
Just once more to feel it's power.