Thursday, January 5, 2017

Two brothers and a bear

It was during 16th century, there live two brothers namely Hodey and Nodey in western part of Bhutan. They were orphan. Hodey is elder brother and he was intelligent. And Nodey  the younger brother is bit cracked.

One day they went to the mountain to collect the bamboos for roofing their old house. They reached at destination. They started collecting bamboos and made a load for them.

As soon as they finished making load they started climbing down the mountain. They reached one of the rest place. They took a rest. As they were talking and from no where a bear came to attracted them. Fortunately, Nodey saw a bear was coming and he ran away without any noticed to his brother Hodey. Nodey climbed on the tree and looked what is happening between his brother and bear. Hodey being intelligent, he did a game plan to escaped from a bear. He slept on the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear sniffed whole part of Hodey body and checking whether he is really dead. The bear checked the breathing air of Hodey to make sure he was dead. Finally, a bear went back.

Nodey climbed down the tree and asked his brother. He said "what bear was saying to you. I saw you two were talking so many things." And Hodey answered "We need close brother and friend like you."

Follow Thought from common man for more short stories.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Fake reincarnation

May this story bring you a smile.
Reincarnation is belief in Buddhism. It is believe that people who did a good deed will reward a life again so called reincarnation. Many lama come back to the world for the sentient being as a reincarnation.

Once upon a time there live a man. He was rich in that society. He has done many good things when he was alive.  He passed away at 60s.

After few years there was a boy who claimed to be his reincarnation. The boy was 2 and half year. The mother of boy taught everything to boy. Like what man did in his previous life. What man possessed. Mother taught her son because boy is going to faced a oral interview by man's family to confirm as their late father.

The day was fixed where man's family will have a interview with little boy. As relative of late man asked a boy many question and a boy answered correctly. As questions goes on, the time has reached where little boy has nothing in his mind. Nothing remained in his mind. Everything was told which his mother had taught.

Son of late man asked. My dear father which is your cup that you used when you were my father in previous life? To their surprise he answered "my mother teach me only this much".


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Treat girls as sister and mother.

From the Buddhist teaching. Ngagajurna had rightly said;
Treat girl as a mother if she is older than you.
Treat girl  as a sister if she is same age of you.
Treat girl as a sister if she is younger than you.

I treat all girls as mothers and sisters.
Don't you ?

From the #randomthoughtofjigmezangpo

Terrible culture so called Night hunting in Eastern is on verge of vanishing and already replaced in Thimphu by phone call

Eastern culture is not only drinking ARA but also the popular night roaming called Night hunting.

The terrible culture called night hunting is vanishing in Eastern part and already replaced in Thimphu by phone call. The children in Thimphu are very expert in doing those stuff. They don't need system called night hunting. They just lie to parent and go out to friend house but actually they are going to hotel with girl or boy. The social media or mobile phone is main cause of vanishing night hunting. More than a night hunting, the social media and phone call has effected the children. The teenage pregnancy, gang fight, groupism and many things are arise due to misuse of those social media.

The way to Buddha point where the place people pray are become the favorite place for them during night. And Sangaygang become the second favorite place for those people at night.


Repay to parent

It is said you can't repay the good things our parent has done for us even if we carry them on our back and make 1000 times round the earth.

Repay for the good things your parents has done for you. The gratitude should be with us and repay them. Repay with respect.

The only gratitude that is possible to pay is by practising Buddha Teaching. It is not neccesaryly you have to go to monkhood and wear a rob. It is our mind. Religion for me is good thought.

From the #randomthoughtofjigmezangpo

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Everything is different and difficult

I started learning the meaning of life. And everything is different and difficult. Even a subject we learned seems to be difficult.

I quote "Life is not a bed of rose but bed of throne" I unquote. Somebody has rightly said that. I find the meaning in what they have leave the saying. Life become more difficult with messy people around. People who don't know meaning of life. On the other hand life is a smooth journey if we move along the people who has greater vision of road ahead.  I wish and dream to go along the these people. I have already found those people. They are my parent.

From the #RandomThoughtOfJigmeZangpo

Monday, October 17, 2016

Growing and decaying & birth and death.

A beautiful flower has good fragrance and everyone love the smile. Even a bees come to have a nectar. Sadly flower will decay soon. Beauty is victim of vanishing.
You are born on the earth. Your parent were rejoiced while you were born. Will you let the world to rejoice when you leave the world?

You might have many memories of childhood days. You might be handsome and pretty among others. You may be intelligent among the friends. You may be richer. You may be stronger and dominating the friends with your strength. You may be having handsome husband and pretty wife. You may have cute son or daughter. You may have loving friends. You have even possesses all the desire things. But only question is can we stay till earth disappear. Every day is new beginning and becoming older. Did you realize you are not becoming older but coming closer to death?

We are coming closer to death day by day. What we are doing then? Are we piling the stone for building the house? Thinking about all those stuff, nothing seems to be meaningful in life rather than humanity. I shall mindful for my action. My action shouldn’t harm other. My speech shouldn’t hurt other. My thought shouldn’t be bad about other.