Monday, November 26, 2012

Social media

                                        Social Media does more harm than good.
 As technology advances, so does mankind's means of communicating and socializing. Social networking has increased the ability of people to communicate and socialize, whether city, state, nation and even worldwide, social networking sites have clearly had a positive impact on society. In fact, social media can be a powerful tool for social change and an alternative to more traditional methods of communication.  The power of internet in making Democracy transparency, strengthening of relation, balancing of child’s privacy and parent’s right and benefit of social media to the students will be as follows.
Social networking sites play a role in shaping the political landscape. More than a quarter of US voters younger than age 30 (including 37% of those aged 18-24) said they obtained information about the political campaigns from social networking sites. In May 2009, the White House announced that it was joining Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace to meet President Barack Obama's call one week earlier "to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative."  (, August 10, 2012.). Social Media in many ways is doing a great deal to advance and develop a democratic culture. For instance, the Chief Election Commissioner who heads a prestigious and powerful institution interacts on a daily basis with ordinary citizens on the social media. Another example is the Prime Minister who along with dollops of praise and unsolicited advice also tolerates the occasional criticism from some of his 5,000 ‘friends’ on face book. Social media in one sense is an alternative medium apart from the media that allows the voices of ordinary citizens to reach the powerful. (The Bhutanese, September 12, 2012). Internet was also used as a tool to organize pro-democracy protest in a number of Middle-Eastern countries including Tunisia, Egypt and Syria. ( Wright,n.d,2012)

The Internet not only helps to bring communities and the world closer together but also distribute information. With the ability for anybody to easily and quickly share rich information online, via a whole host of tools, the Internet serves bring people together. Firstly take for instance social networks. Friends can remain connected to each other when miles apart. People can maintain and even create friendships without the barrier of geography. Additionally, social networks have a capacity to distribute news in a timely and targeted manner, directed at the people whom it mostly concerns, that is far greater than that of traditional media cannot compete.  Secondly there are many instances of hyper-local news communities springing up online in which people can truly engage in their community, and help improve it. This model can and is extended to bigger areas, helping to engage society for its greater good. For example, provides a nationwide portal for U.K. citizens to report road potholes. Thirdly the Internet brings the world together by not only encouraging direct communication with people from other countries, but also by being able to share and distribute information in a way which traditional forms of communication could not do.( Wright,n.d,2012).

On the other hand, social networking sites balance a child's privacy and a parent's right to know. A classic clash always happens when pitting the right to privacy of a child against the right to know of a parent. However, social networking sites find a good medium, so that neither side is overlooked. For instance, on Facebook, teenagers may have private conversations with friends over the private messaging system, but the parents of these teenagers will still be able to keep track of things such as posts made to other friends' walls and pictures posted. Social networking sites give parents the ability to keep tabs on many of their child's online postings, such as pictures and personal information, but without having to directly invade on their child's privacy; this again proves that social networking sites have had a positive effect on society.(,n.d,2012).
Social networking sites bring people with common interests’ together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety. On top of above advantages, 59% of students with access to the Internet report that students use social networking sites to discuss educational topics including career and college planning and 50% use the sites to talk about school assignments. It is said  that using these sites helps students improve their reading, writing, and conflict resolution skills, learn to express themselves more clearly, and meet new and different kinds of students from around the world.(, August 10, 2012)

In many ways social media has become the ‘citizen’s media’ where ordinary citizens with varying levels of content become instant citizen journalists either reporting on an event or sharing their opinion. Facebook reports approximately 90 million users in the US and 300 million active users worldwide (Sep. 15, 2009), MySpace reports more than 32 million US users and 130 million worldwide (Aug. 4, 2009), and Twitter has an estimated 54 million users worldwide (Oct. 13, 2009).(,Aug 10,2012). It signifies that the social media is doing more good than harm. Social networking sites become more integrated in modern culture and the benefits outweigh any downsides







Everett,C.(2012).HRzone blogs. Retrieved from                                                                                                     
                    Roebuck/digital-and-social- media-recruitment/social-media-doing-more-harm-
                    good-your- compa (2012). Retrieved from                      (Aug 10,2012). Social Networking. Retrieved from

The Bhutanese. (Sept 12, 2012). Social Media dose greater good. Retrieved from

Wright,R.  This House believes the Internet brings more harm than good. Retrieved from                      

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