The 26th September, 2013 was another remarkable day for Radio Club (NDLD) of College and Science and Technology. The day was observed as College Foundation day. We the members of Radio Club organized that day as a fete day. The preparation for fete day began a week before a day without notice of other students. The cooperation among the members (3rd years and 4th year ECE) result in making a day successful.
As soon the tradition program for foundation day was ended, the chief guest (Director of College), staffs and students disperse for the game to be played. With limited coupons for the day as we have no time in making. In deed the Gangotri group of Jaigoen, India had agreed to sponsor the entire necessary coupons. Other than that we didn’t face any problem. The small problem get tackle when our club members work together to obtained required number of coupons.
Among the games that present for fete day was car racing being most attractive. This was my view. The other games may be seen most attractive for other people. The games like Fishing the juice, Ball and glass, dart and board, wheel of fortune, ring the bell, football and tyre, driving coin and Tombola made a day interesting.
Fishing the juice wasn’t bad. The no stopping customer gave a coordinator a tough time in hot and sunny day. The sweeping of sweat from his face with his handkerchief was frequent action we could noticed despite of coordinating the players. And the calling of customer by saying “fishing… fishing… fishing….” was what we could heard.
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fishing.... |
Coming to the wheel of fortune, a number start with 1 till 8 and addition a jackpot. A coordinator explaining to the player that no one will get prize if it stop at jackpot. As soon as all player choice the number, he turn the wheel of fortune by saying jackpot... jackpot…jackpot……..
And a boy along with his friend (girl) was coordinating the ‘ring the bell’. A player comes to play to hit the gong (bell), so he tied the player eye with a piece of cloth. The game wasn't fair as the player friend’s guide to hit the bell by giving instruction till player hit the bell. It was only when I go around to collect coupon from coordinator of this game made a game a fair (not fair as preceding year). There was some player blaming me not allowing to guide the players. Let the player blame me. I won’t mind unless we have profit.
Right of the area of ‘ring the bell’ was a boy coordinating the ‘football and tyre game’. Students, a fan of football making queue to play that game. He collect football and gave to the players time and again. His black shoes almost become a sneaker by the end of the game.
Bending down to collect fallen glasses repeatedly whenever I see was the scenario that I could see in the field of ‘glass and ball game’. The exhausted coordinator picking up the glasses and build the pyramid (not exactly) to the customer waiting to play.
Two beautiful ladies giving a colorful dart to the player to hit the board. The player aiming to the inner circle of the board but never they could hit even the outer circle. In fact we are making profit for our club.
‘Driving coin’ the game making profit with limited resource. We just have to manage bucket, water, glass and coins. Two ladies coordinating the game was having a good time in coordinating the game.
“Tombola….tombola… tombola…… the players are all students, no players from staff side” was the coordinator of Tombola speak out in microphone frequently. It was another game that the club made profit.
And the committee members of club like President go around with seal to seal the winning coupon to give to the winners. I was going around like any other committee member to collect coupon to return to the counter. Coupon sellers at the counter are busy selling the coupons.
The fourth year girls was busy dealing with customer who comes in food stall.
To our surprise the prize for the winner get exhaust before the estimated time. The club would have made good profit if prize shop would have sustain till 2:00pm. We regret for limited prize we kept. Mistake are the lesson for future fete day. Finally the winners for the lottery are drawn at 2:00 pass in the afternoon.
With my open heart and soul, let me thank every individual for your good cooperation for a day. Let me never forget to thank to 2nd year ECE for their helping hand for the fete day. Without the full cooperation among the club members would not result to successful fete day. To my fellow mate, let’s follow the bright footprint of seniors, the 4th year ECE.You may also like this