Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2015


It might be mine and your parent.

༉ འཇིག་རྟེན་འཛམ་གླིང་འདི་ནང་ སྐྱེས་རེ་སྐྱེ་ཚོ་ མི་དང་སེམས་ཅན་སོགས་ཅག་ག་ར་ལུ་སྦྱམས་པ་དང་སྙིང་ཇེ་བསྐྱེལ་དགོཔས་འདི་ཧ་ཅང་གི་གལ་ཆེ་བས་ཟེར་ཞུ་ནི་ཨིན། ང་བཅས་འགྲོ་བ་མི་ལུས་ཐོབ་པའི་དུས་སྐབས་ལུ་ སེམས་ཅན་ག་ར་ལུ་རང་གི་ཕམ་བཟུམ་སྦེ་ སྦྱམས་པ་དང་སྙིང་ཇེ་བསྐྱེལ་དགོཔས་ཨིན། འདི་ཡང་ག་ཅི་འབད་ཨིནམ་ཟེར་བ་ཅིན་ འགྲོ་བ་སེམས་ཅན་ག་ར   ་རང༌གི༌ཕམ༌མ༌འབད༌མི༌༌ག་ཡང་མེད་ཟེར༌ དགེ༌བའི༌གཤད༌སྙེན༌གྱི༌གསུངམ༌ཨིན།
འགྲོ་བ་སེམས་ཅན་ཚུ་ རང་སངས་མ་རྒྱསཔ་ལས་ འདི་ངའི་གི་ཨ་པ་ཨིན་ འདི་ངའི་གི་ཨའི་ཨིན་ འདི་ངའི་སྤུན་ཆ་ཨིན་ཟེར་སླབ་མ་ཤེསཔ་ཨིན། དཔྱེ་གཅིག་ཞུ་བ་ཅིན་ སངས་རྒྱས་ཀྱི་རྗེན་འཇུག་པ་ འཕགས་པ་ཀ་ཏ་ཡ་ནཱ་ གི་ག་དེ་སྦེ་གསུང་བཞག་ནུག་གོ་ཟེར་བ་ཅིན་ ཕ་ཤ་བཟའ་ཤིས་མ་ལ་བལྡེག། གསོན་པོ་འགྲོ་བོ་སྤང་དུ་བཟུང།  ཟེར་གསུང་བཞག་ནུག། འདི་གི་དོན་དག་ཐུང་ཀུ་ཅིག་ཞུ་བ་ཅིན་ སངས་རྒྱས་ཀྱི་ རྗེན་འཇུག་པ་ འཕགས་པ་ཀ་ཏ་ཡ་ནཱ་ གཡུས་འགོ་འདི་ནང་བསོད་ནམས་ཞུ་བར་འབྱོནམ་ད་ ཨའི་གཅིག་ལག་པ་ཨ་ལོ་གཤད་ ལྟོ་དང་གཅིག་ཁར་ཉ་གི་ཚོམ་ཅིག་ཟ་ དེ་ལས་གདོང་ཁར་ཡོད་པའི་རོ་ཁྱི་འདི་གདུང་ཡི་རང་མདའ་སྡོད་ས་གཟིགས་ནུག། ཁོ་ལུ་སྔོན་ཤེས་ཡོདཔ་ལས་ མཐོང་སྣང་འདི་ལུ་འགོད་གྲ་བའི་མཐོང་སྣང་ཨིན་མས་ཟེར་གསུང་ནུག། ཨའི༌གི༌བཟའ༌མི༌ཉ༌གི༌ཚོམ༌འདི༌ ཚེ༌སྔོན༌མ༌མོ༌གི༌ཨ༌པ༌ཨིན༌མས༌བཤེད༌ནུག།དེ༌ལས༌གདོང༌ཁར༌རོ༌ཁྱི༌གདུངས༌ཏེ༌མདའ༌མི༌འདི༌ཚེ༌སྔོན༌མ༌མོ༌གི༌ཨའི༌དང༌ལགཔ༌ལུ༌བཤད༌པའི༌ཨ༌ལོ༌འདི༌ཚེ༌སྔོན༌མ༌མོ༌གི༌དགྲ༌བོ༌ཨིན༌མས༌ཟེར༌གསུང༌ནུག།དཔྱེ༌འདི༌ལུ༌བལྟཝ༌འདྲཝ༌འབད༌བ༌ཅིན༌ང༌བཅས༌ཚུ༌གི༌རང༌གི༌ཚེ༌སྔོན༌མའི༌ཕམ༌ཚུ༌ག༌ཨིན༌ན༌ མིཤེས༌དོ་ཡོདཔ་ཨིན༌མས༌།
རྒྱུ༌མཚན༌འདི༌ཕྱིར༌དུ༌ འགྲོ༌བ༌རིག༌དྲུག༌སེམས༌ཅན༌ག༌ར༌ལུ༌སྦྱམས་པ་དང་སྙིང་ཇེ་བསྐྱེལ་དགོཔས༌མ༌ཚད༌ འབད༌ཚུགས༌པ༌ཅིན༌རང༌གི༌ཕམ༌གྱི༌ཤ༌ཟ༌ནི༌ཡང༌སྤང༌གནང༌ཟེར༌ཞུ༌ནི༌ཨིན།།

P.S: Spelling under your correction.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jangchub Shing- Buddhism and Vegetarianism

I have type the speech about Buddhism and Vegetarianism by Tshukla Lopen of Zhung Dratshang from the subtitle display in the speech. Speech is in Dzongkha.  Here His Eminence Tshukla lopen talk why we should not eat meat and how we should refrain from consuming meat. If you read speech till the end, I vow you that you will get answer about why you should not eat meat and how you should refrain from eating meat. Happy reading.
Here is the Link to watch video in YouTube. Tshukla lopen's speech start at 33.40 minutes of this video. Buddhism and Vegetarianism
His Eminence Tshukla Lopen of Zhung Dratshang

               Jangchub Shing- Buddhism and Vegetarianism
Kuzuzangpo, I would like to thank the trainess and the faculty of the RIM and the Honourable guests. I am very happy to be a part of this talk show called “Buddhism and Vegetarianism” which has so much relevance with Buddhism. Generally in Buddhism, there are vast and profound teachings regarding the consumption of meat: yet, I cannot claim to have the authority or the knowledge to teach. However, I will share with you the little that I know from my experience with you within the short duration of this talk. The primary reason behind not eating meat as taught by Lord Buddha is that being a Buddhist, our belief is rooted in the “Law of KARMA (action and fruition)”, the ‘action’ is as taught by Lord Buddha “All Dharma arises out of action”. Thus, we as Buddhist should believe in action as taught by the Buddha, which consists of two –virtuous and non-virtuous; and Buddha also clearly taught in detail about the results of both virtuous and non-virtuous action. From limited understanding, generally all sentient beings once born with a body need food to sustain that body, as the Lord Buddha said “all sentient beings are sustained by food”. This is shared and accepted by science as well. Now, food itself, in ancient times is divided into 4 different types according to the Buddha Dharma. Which can be condensed into two- solid and soft. Aeons ago, human beings did not have to rely on solid food for sustenance, but rather they relied on the food/nourishment of Samadhi which in turn gave their bodies a natural glow and lightness; they lived a long life as well. All these qualities were the result of the different kind of pure nourishment.
Later on, as time passed, and as people’s mental afflictions such as attachment, anger, ignorance grew, the ability to sustain their bodies with pure Nourishment diminished; hence they were compelled to consume solid food to sustain and nourish themselves. As they continued to consume solid food, their natural glow started disappearing, they started getting heavier, and their life span as well became shorter. Now, meat falls within the classification of solid nourishment. Solid nourishment itself is also sub-divided into two, which are pure and impure. Meat falls within the impure subdivision as taught by Buddha. The reason for meat being impure is due to the fact that meat is a product of having killed a living being. It is obvious to all of us that all animals also cherish their lives as much as we do, the fact that they hide, run away and cry in pain are obvious signs that their lives are dear and precious to them. As life is precious and clear to all beings, the act of taking life is thus taught to be the most non-virtuous deed by the Buddha, in the teaching of Karma, “there is no other higher non-virtuous deed than, the act of taking life from the ten non-virtuous actions, the act of killing is the most non-virtuous action”. As a result of the act of killing, in this lifetime not only the space of where the act is committed, but even the acquaintances of the person who commits the act are effected. In future lives, all who have commits and are associated with the act are born in the lower realms, and have to bear the suffering there for aeons. Even if one is freed and reborn as human, as a direct consequence of having taken another’s life, one will encounter many life-threatening obstacles. The Buddha taught in detail, that the act of killing gives rise to 4 distinct fruitions/results in the Buddha Dharma. Abstaining from eating meat is one of the many skillful means that the Buddha taught; as the act of killing is considered to be one of the gravest of all non-virtuous deeds and the source of suffering in this life and all future lives.
From another point of view, depending on the mind and time factor of the followers the Buddha taught many different faults on eating meat, so that one will abstain from the act of killing. Again, from another perspective, as we are also habituated to consuming meat that took over a period of time, it is difficult to abstain from that habit at once. To break this habit, in the teachings of Buddha, he taught how to free oneself from the desire of eating meat by looking at 3 point; 1. By looking at the source, 2. By looking at the nature and 3. By looking at the result. First, to elaborate on what we mean by contemplating on the source, is that for example if we look at the source of being human, and also if we take example of a cow, how are its flesh and bones formed? When we deeply contemplate on this, the teachings of the Buddha teaches that our body is divided into two, flesh and bones. And the main source of the flesh and bones are the father’s semen and the mother’s eggs. From the father’s semen the bones is formed and the mother’s eggs the flesh is formed, therefore it is considered impure. Thus, one should deeply contemplate whether the impure product coming from an impure source is fit for consumption? What I just shared with you is the method of abstaining from meat consumption through the contemplation of the source of the meat.
Second, to contemplate on the nature of meat if one were to set a piece of meat, vegetable and fruit together. The fruit and vegetable is pleasant to look at, smells fresh and when consumed delicious; unlike the piece of meat, which is a lump of flesh covered in blood and unpleasant to look at, foul smelling and should one eat it unusual and distasteful. So, one should deeply contemplate how the nature of meat is different from other products, and thus, this is the way of abstaining from meat consumption by contemplating the nature/reality of the meat.
The third method of contemplating the result, after the consumption of the meat the result is that it obscures our mind, organs and awareness. For example if an intelligent person consumes meat for a long period of time, this person will naturally lose his intelligence and other abilities. On the contrary, a person who does not consume meat will be active and fresh; for example a Dharma practitioner who was otherwise eager to practice, will after the consumption of meat naturally become sleepy, drowsy and will also lose interest in virtuous deeds; as well as, other activities as a whole. The other ill-effects of eating meat is that it makes one susceptible to more disease. Thus, by contemplating the pros and cons of what I have shared, one should be able to see the benefits of not consuming meat and the ill-effects of consuming meat. So, these are the ways that the Buddha shared as skillful means to abstain from meat consumption by looking at the cause, nature and the results of consuming meat.
Further, in some other teachings of the Buddha, he has taught us that all sentient beings including oneself are all born as parents. Now, the reason is because we are born in samsara not just in this lifetime, but we have been born many times before in this samsara. During those lives, we must have been born as either a human or an animal, and similar to this life we must have been born to parents, and if one were to contemplate all past lives with their parents, then the number of lives and number of parents is innumerable, thus by using this logic we can come to the understanding that all sentient beings have been our parents at one point with no exceptions. If one were put in a situation where you had to consume the flesh of your present parents; would you be able to? Similarly, all animals have been our parents who have given us birth, love and support. Thus, they all are our benevolent parents, the reason we are not able to recognize them is due to the length of time and the obscuration that has grown over innumerable lifetimes. Hence, the Buddha says that one should ask oneself, is the flesh of one’s past parents’ consumable or not? Can one eat it or not? This is yet another skillful means taught by the Buddha to abstain from consuming meat. As all of you must already be familiar with this story, during the time of the Buddha there were 8 exceptional disciples, one of them was the Arahat Katayana, who was the Buddha’s representative for the rural areas. He used to teach and tame the inhabitants there, one day while on his alms round, he saw a women holding a baby in her arms, and eating a fish curry, with a dog beside her. He saw the dog trying to eat the fish bones discarded by the women, but the women was beating the dog when it attempted to eat the fishbone. Katayana saw through his power of clairvoyance, that the dog was the women’s mother reborn, the fish that she was eating was her father reborn and her baby was her arch-enemy in her past life. Thus she was holding her enemy in her arms, and eating father’s meat while beating her mother. In the case of the dog and fish, the wife was eating her husband. Similar to the example just shared, we have no means of knowing what form our loved ones who have passed away have been reborn as, and it is highly likely that should they be born as a fish that it would be an unimaginable non-virtuous act to consume their flesh. Thus, by contemplating on these examples and logic one should refrain from consuming meat.
Likewise, the bodies of all sentient being consist of the 5 aggregates, the Buddha said that the bodies of animals such as fish, pig e.t.c also consist of 5 aggregates. The true nature of the 5 aggregates are the 5 Dhayani Buddhas. Thus, the act of killing animals or the act of harming an animal is like killing or harming the body of Buddha Vairocana, and one also accumulates the negative karma of such a heinous act. In the process of taking life, one has to destroy all the 5 aggregates of which the form aggregate is Buddha Vairocana, the perception aggregate is Buddha Ratnasambhava, etc. in short the 5 Dhayani Buddhas, astaught in the Vajrayana teachings. Taking these truths into consideration, when one performs the act of killing, one accumulates the negative karma of killing the 5 Dhayani Buddhas; thus, one should refrain from the act of killing and consuming meat. Likewise the Buddha said that all sentient beings without exception have the Buddha essence, Thathagata Garba. Since we all have the potential of being a Buddha, killing a sentient being is destroying the seed of liberation; thus, one should refrain from the act of killing. What I have just shared with you is from an advanced belief within the Buddha’s teaching; and what I shared with you earlier about the source, the nature and the result is from mundane perspective. Though the teachings are varied in its profound exposition, the core essence of these teachings is to refrain oneself from the act of killing and the faults that lie with the act of killing and consuming meat.
As we are all aware, being vegetarian from scientific point of view not only extends one’s life, but you enjoy a healthier life as well. Even from a Dharmice point of view, sustaining oneself on a vegetarian diet which is considered as a pure diet further increases one’s life span, due to the power and benefit of virtue; moreover being vegetarian improves one’s personal, and environmental hygiene. If one consumes the impure diet, than as a result of this one will be susceptible to diseases, and a short life. If possible one, should try to refrain from eating meat for the full duration of one’s life, if not try for a few months. Bhutan being a Buddhist country and living up to its name, the Government and the people unanimously adopted a law that bans the sale of meat products for 2 months out of a year in the kingdom. During that time, not consuming meat for 2 months has immense benefits. If one is not able to stop for months, than one should try to be vegetarian during the auspicious days (8, 10, 15, 25, and 30) of the month. Even being a vegetarian for a day during those auspicious days has immense benefits. Not only refraining oneself but also advising and supporting others to not consume meat has equal and immense benefit. What I have shared with you is abridges version of what I have learned. The reason for sharing with you just an abridged version, is firstly I do not claim to have the knowledge and secondly nor does time permit to go in depth. The Buddha said that, it is not compulsory to refrain from eating meat for a lifetime nor for a whole year for beginners, but to start by refraining for a day. In a day we usually have 3 meals, and out of those 3 meals try eating one meal without meat, and even 1 meatless meal has lot of benefits. Otherwise, out of 3 meals, abstain from meat consumption for 2 meals. These are all skillful methods of making the act of not consuming meat a habit. So, as beginners one should follow a gradual path to being a vegetarian and avoid extremes. We being born as Buddhist, accept the law of Karma, and eating meat goes against this law of action and fruition. Thus, I request everyone to abstain from consuming meat, by being mindful of what I have shared with you.
I would like to specifically clarify that while the Buddha Dharma teaches that one should not consume meat, yet some lamas, accomplished master and in the teaching of Vajrayana the use of meat is mandatory. When the Vajrayana teachings say that meat is mandatory, it does not imply that an animal needs to be slaughtered; in fact, the meat used should be of an animal that has died a natural death, and that too, the meat requirement is very less and used for Ganachakra and other offerings. Even the person who is performing or handling the ceremonies that requires meat, should be an accomplished master and not somebody ordinary like us. I would further like to request and offer some heartfelt advice to you all that one should not feel and think that just by abstaining from eating meat, you can indulge in other non-virtuous and harmful deeds. Just as meat consumption is a non-virtuous act, similarly one should avoid other impure products such as drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Even if one abstains from meat consumption, if one indulges in alcohol, tobacco and drugs than as a local saying goes, it would be like mixing medicine with poison. By refraining oneself from impure products like drugs, alcohol and tobacco one can accumulate vast merit. Buddha said sue to the power of the merit that one has accumulated from the abstinence of impure products one will be able to fulfill all their wishes. The use of impure products bring forth obstacles in life and obstructs the successful completion of one’s efforts. Merit and virtuous action are synonymous. Thus, contemplating on this life and future lives it is practical that one should refrain from non-virtuous action and adopt virtuous action. And, without the 10 non-virtuous action the act of killing is considered as the primary non-virtuous act, the Buddha Dharma teaches that when one refrains from the primary non-virtuous act, it is easier to refrain and abandon the other 9 non-virtuous actions. When one refrains from act of killing, one naturally becomes a vegetarian.

In conclusion, I hope and pray that as a result of this talk show that all the people assembled here, will at least practice refraining from impure products for at least a day if not a lifetime; and find sustenance with pure products. Moreover, I sincerely hope that you can practice all that I have shared with you, and will provide advice and support to others as well. Today, as much as I would have liked to explain the teachings in detail, as I do not possess the knowledge and exposure I was not able to do so; and, should my words be incorrect and incomplete, more importantly, if I have offended any of your sensibilities then I offer my sincere apology. I hope that you will accept my apology, thank you, Kadinchey.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Is eating Meat same as eating vegetables?

 My friends (European) are insisting me, eating meat is same as eating vegetables. They are justifying their statement by meat they eat is from living animals and vegetables is also from living vegetable. In bottom line both meat and vegetables are from living. I am little bit confused with their question but still I can’t eat meat. I am going to be vegetarian. A month has been passed I turn to vegetarian. Becoming vegetarian was my dream. I had converted to vegetarian in the year 2011 to 2012 but unfortunately I broke my promise. Now I promise to be vegetarian throughout my life. This is simple sympathy I shall offer to my past parents.

Now, I am in need of justification that support eating meat is not same as eating vegetables. I would happy if you could give me the good justification so that I can explain them.



Saturday, September 27, 2014

Interview with Chatral Rinpoche.

Source: From one of the Friend's (Kezang Tshering Sir) comment in the facebook.
"Question: Why did you decide to stop eating meat? How old were you when you made this decision?
Rinpoche: It is written in many Theravadayana and Mahayana texts that one should not eat meat. There is also a Vajrayana text that says the same thing, that one should not enjoy meat or alcohol. Because of this I am following the instructions of Shakyamuni Buddha. Being a religious person, I don’t take meat or alcohol and at the same time I try to tell other people not to consume these things. This is my reason — I’m just trying to motivate other people. I was forty-seven years old when I went to Bodhgaya and made a vow to all of the buddhas and bodhisattvas to give up meat and alcohol.

Question: Why do you think vegetarianism is an important aspect of practicing the Dharma?
Rinpoche: If you take meat, it goes against the vows one takes in seeking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Because when you take meat you have to take a being’s life. So I gave it up.

Question: Some claim that one can help the animals one eats by praying for them, and thus eating meat is compassionate. Other than for the most accomplished yogis and lamas, what do you make of this claim?
Rinpoche: With supernatural powers gained through certain meditation practices, it is true that there are some realized beings who can revive animals from the dead and help them reach a higher rebirth or enlightenment by consuming small amounts of their flesh. But this is not done for sustenance, only for the purpose of helping that animal. I personally do not have that power and, because of that, I never eat meat. Eating meat in one’s diet is much different than eating flesh to liberate a being through supernatural powers. I am just an ordinary practitioner who really doesn’t have these qualities. So, if I ate meat it would be the same if you or any other lay person ate meat. I would be committing a sin and I would be getting negative karma. I don’t pretend as if I have special powers and eat meat, I just avoid it altogether.

Question: Do you see Tibetan Buddhists in exile making a sincere effort to reduce their meat consumption and become vegetarian, or has meat eating become an entrenched aspect of Tibetan culture?
Rinpoche: In Tibet, there’s only meat and tsampa [roasted barley flour] — there is no other staple food. Tibet is at a high altitude and the climate is tundralike. There are not many fruits and vegetables. After coming to South Asia, you really don’t have to follow the Tibetan custom of meat and tsampa. There are many types of fruits and vegetables, nutritional supplements — all kinds of good foods. Everything is available. So there is really no need to talk about the customs of Tibet as an excuse for eating meat. From my experience, not eating meat has many benefits. I’m eighty-eight and ever since I stopped eating meat, I haven’t had any major sickness. When I sleep, I sleep well. When I get up, I can walk right away. When I read religious texts, I can see them properly. I have very good hearing and can listen attentively. These are the qualities I have experienced from not eating meat. I didn’t get sick or die when I stopped eating meat; no negative consequences came to me. I can travel by vehicle, airplane, or train without getting nauseous or dizzy and I never get headaches. I am a human being formed with flesh and blood like anyone else and am proof that giving up meat does not make one ill like many Tibetans seem to think. I’m telling you from my own experience; only good things have happened to me from giving up meat.

Question: Some monks have told me that since insects are killed in the production of rice and other vegetables, then there is really no difference in eating those things and eating meat. What do you think about this?
Rinpoche: This would mean that you wouldn’t eat anything and would starve to death. If you say you were going to go for a month without killing insects through the food you eat, then you would die. If you die, this precious human life is wasted. So if you just let your body be destroyed, that means you are taking your own life, which is killing in itself. You can always take the insect from the rice when you see it and let it free outside. You don’t necessarily have to kill beings to eat. Although, when we walk we crush many insects under our feet. We may not see them or observe them, but still we must be killing them. Not being aware doesn’t mean that we haven’t created any sin, because after all, cause and effect are always there."

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Impermanence (Translated from oral speech of Buli Trulku Rinpoche),Did you ever see a death people coming back to world again
My first question to every reader “Did you ever see a death people coming back to world again?”  This question could be device that we the human should understand and takes action of our life. If you believe with above question then what could be solution to reborn back on the world. We are responsible for death of our apa, ama and sibling to reborn back to world if we are living after them. The absurdity associated in the society that great people noticed is that when their apa, ama or any sibling die, they cry for few days. But they forget after few days about death of his or her apa or ama. They start lying, bullying, killing and perform many task that involves sin. On top of his or her apa and ama is already in the ocean of anguish, the suffering (hell) as they did sin during stay on the earth, they will have extra burden of suffering as a result of his or her sibling doing deed related to sin on the earth. To pull our suffering apa and ama out of the hell, we should do good deeds to sentient being that has no sin.

It’s natural and every one of us think. A girl think, she is the most beautiful among the girls of the world. He is looking always to me. Seems he is admiring me. Now shall I say love you to him? And so on like praising words to her. These are the thought usually girls thinks.

On the other hand, boys do think similar to girls. I am handsome guy among the guys of the world. She is always looking to me. And so on that describes him in good way and praising him.  But nothing is permanence. Everything is impermanence. What we think are all lie. It has no truth in what we think about ourselves. In fact, what we think will harm us and let us to suffer one day. Always do good to others instead of all the nonsense by keeping the word impermanence of anything in our heart and soul. 
Buli Trulku Rinpoche

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mirror of mind and mirror of speech.

Expert said that one should look into mirror before you say something, particularly flaw to others. In our day to day life what above sentence mean is that we should always tell and talk with others with good words. The people should be happy if not normal (what he was before we talk with) after we talk with them. They sympathy and soft words that make other happy should be used instead of harsh and bad words.

More important, we have to keep in mind is way of joking and limit of joking. If we can avoid joking, it’s more than a good solution to avoid misunderstanding between our friends. Through joking many misunderstand will be created. Moreover joking is also a sin from the point of religion, as we utters none sense while joking. I regret for not fulfilling the promise. The promise of avoid joking with friends. Today 8th day of 7th month of Bhutanese calendar on auspicious day of the month, I promise, I will lead life of humble man. Let me try avoiding joking with friends.

With regards to the words of conversation, it’s wise to be insisted in formal language with good words. We speak with good words and the listener will be happy with what we insist. Speaking humbly with good words that hurt no one will cost or lose you no money. For our good way of conversation, the good merits deed will be considered. I am man who has problem in talking with friends. I always talk and comment as if I am the king. On top of commenting, I used harsh and bad words that hurt my friends. I felt myself sorry for innocent deeds. In deed I have no intention of hurting anyone with my words but out of frustration the words that have no value and respect in society were uttered one after another. I regret for my mistake out of ignorance. Now, realizing with my mistake ask me to be cautious while talking with friends. Did you realize of your mistake in way you talk? If we are to look into the mirror of our mind and speech after our deed with carefully, we are making mistake sometime.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


                         Life, too short for doing merit deeds.

Life is like a transient of lightning and the roaring of thunder of the summer monsoon. In the transient period of life, do the deeds that everybody around you cherish and satisfy with what you have done. Never do and think of doing demerits deeds which will hurt people of your community. The capacity in you should be utilized in making the society peace and calm to realize and experience the harmony of society.

The every second and every minutes of our life period is precious time. One who understands the meaning of life knows the value of time and happy with the short life. They pursue the valuable goal of their life within the given period of life with no complain of saying life is too short.

The golden platform (we as a human being) that we are given due to previous karma in this life should not let to go in vain. The purpose of life in short period of life should be done with our good possible ways. The main purpose, I have in life is to repay to parents of present, past and future with dedication and sympathy. I may not wrong to say what I have for my life as purpose is your purpose. Unlike other living being we have a platform and capability to listen and practice dharma with good intention. So , utilize the opportunity we as a human has. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

We, on the earth for purpose.(Death is certain but when and where it will occur is uncertain).

                                    We, on the earth for purpose.

The day when we were born is the day the world rejoices upon us. Our parents were extremely happy for us for being born in their hand. If world rejoices upon you coming on the world on the first day, you should be wise enough to let the world rejoices upon you at last day, when you are departing from this wonderful world permanently. Happiness parent when you were born should also be happy when you leave this world permanently.

The world rejoice on you when you were born because world knows, you can do many remarkable tasks that benefit the world, when you are on the earth. World expect more from you. The single man coming on world is expectation of new changes for the world. The longer you stay on world are more reliable changes that last for longer duration that the world expects.

On the other hand, your parents are always happy with you. They are happy owing to you becoming more capable day by day and year by year. Your excellence in your field all together makes your parents happier than ever. As world expects you to be more meaningful man on this world, the parents too has same expectation. In spite of you being more meaningful person on this world your parent want you to be a happier man on the earth. The way your parent expects signifies that they care you more than what they can do it for you. They care you because they want you to be successful person.

The purpose of we on the earth is to make a life meaningful. To realize the meaning of life, we should have patient in listening and following the merit footprint of experts and parents. The valuable advices from elders including your parents are the key to excel your life in making it meaningful. More important I consider in my life than above all as a believer of Buddha teaching is the way you believe and having faith in birth after death. One having believed in birth after death will feel guilty of doing untidy task in your life. Having trust on what experts of Buddha teaching state “every animals on world are once our parent” and doing merit task will realize your parents dream. The only source that we can repay our thanking parent is having faith in Buddha teaching. To let the all sentient being of six realms to be happy let us have faith and believe in dharma and practice it. 

Your dream of life should be pursuing but never forget that we are given a day that we should left this world. The wealth you gathered, beauty you may be, and popular you are will appears nothing to any one when one go to sleep permanently. The wealth has no capability of rescuing you by giving wealth to other and same with your fame. The only help we will have, only if we did our deed pure, have kind mind to everyone with justice and practice dharma when we are living on the world.  It’s always good if we can remember Guru Rinpoche once a day and recite ba zar gu ru (om a hung ba zar guru pad ma se de hung) 100 times.

Death is certain but when and where it will occur is uncertain.
Guru Rinpoche la na mo.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ཕ༌མ༌གཉིས༌ལུ༌བཀའ༌དྲིན༌བསམ༌དགོཔ། (Thanking to Parents of world)










Thursday, May 23, 2013


My success is solely depending on what my Tsa-Wa-Lam has blessed me. I believe on my Tsa-Wa-Lam. Whatever I do for the day, I start with praying to my Tsa-Wa-Lam as soon as I get up. Before I go to bed at night I again pray to my Tsa-Wa-Lam. Infact Tsa-Wa-Lam is always with me. Wherever I go or wherever I stay, I assumed my Tsa-Wa-Lam is along with me, on forehead during day time and in the heart of me during night time. I should have discipline in doing whatever I do knowing that Tsa-Wa-Lam is always with me. To let my events to be successful I have to have faith on Tsa-Wa-Lam. Without good faith I can’t have the successful event. My Tsa-Wa-Lam is enlighten and I believe if I pray and have good faith on my Tsa-Wa-Lam , there is no worry that my event will unsuccessful.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hope of success go along with kenchosum.

Hoping a success and sweating is not the solution for me. As I believe in what we called the previous karma. If we have a connection in previous life that what we are doing this life, then thing will be much organize one. Praying to Tsa- Wa- lam and kenchoksum along with hardship is what I believe to have a success. To proceed my duty, I first pray to kenchosum. To let my proceed task shouldn’t be struck on the way. I regret for wasting my life doing meaningless task. I will bring my mind home and at least train my mind to be stable. Just by praying to kenchosum is not a solution for way to success. It’s only the way that’s your plan have no struck on the way of pursuing what you are pursuing

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Meditation is only source of purifying our mind and can hold mind in right place.

Don't ask me, when did you join monk and start practicing meditation. Its my way of life. Of course, I am man similar to you all but I do meditation with sincere mind. The mind placing on top of tip of pyramid is how I did my meditation. Remember, all the great and learned man did and is doing meditation for holding their mind in right place. So, I am practicing to follow what learned man does. Hope you are also doing or will be doing now.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Mind and the body.

Mind and Body. The great people say that the mind is the commander (king) of body and the body is the servant of mind. In fact body always follows what mind decides. Universe knows that the mind is superior to body. So, frequently say think before you do something by most of the people. Losing of consciousness is absent of mind. A street mad man is an example of body with lose mind. He don’t have sense of human as there is no mind, the king to be control his deed that done by his body. He go where ever the legs steps. He has no destination to move. He eats whatever he picks up. He may stay without cloths. The mischievous behavior the mad man act is only because of his mind getting diverges somewhere. But where his mind diverges cannot explain as I am still on way of learning the difference between mind and body.

 I can’t differentiate between mind and body as Buddha did. Body is just another material you can find in this world. Look at the chair in your room, desk and all other stuff, trees, plants, and of course, other's bodies. Try to find the difference between them and your body. Your body is just another material but it is the one connected to your mind. Mind comes as a guest for short period. And the host is the body. They may get separated at any time, when mind losing from body. That difference is that the mind, soul, and spirit were created eternal but the body is only temporary. The body temporarily houses the soul. Mind is the one that we should give care and utilize in our best way.

On the other hand don’t forget that taking care of body after you hear that mind is superior to body. They sometime go in hand to hand and are interrelated. To understand more about the importance between mind and body one has to hear from great people and should have a sincere meditation.

The stability of mind determines the stability of man. Man with stable mind is enlightened. It is the mind that determines the life consequences. In the bottom line, if you really need your mind to be stable, one should have the Buddha mind and be the disciple of Buddha teaching. And be the true disciple of Buddha teaching.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Religion and Science.

Religion and science. “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”. Analyzing the powerful sentences that has left by learned man “Albert Einstein”, I can say that science and religion is correlate and they should go in hand to hand to have stronger bond and make progress. Science has everything in the sense of practical, observation based on proof and everyone can see the outcome of what science has proof. They have outcome to show to people so that people do agree how science is powerful than religion if someone has conflict between science and religion but we don’t have to differentiate it. "The Goal of Science is understanding lawful relations among natural phenomena whereas Religion is a way of life within a larger framework of meaning." (Ian Barbour, "Religion and Science," pg. 204) " With the statement of relation between science and religion that is, “Science and religion are two windows that people look through, trying to understand the big universe outside, trying to understand why we are here. The two windows give different views, but both look out at the same universe. Both views are one-sided, neither is complete. Both leave out essential features of the real world. And both are worthy of respect." ( Physicist Freeman Dyson) Believe in above statement that spoke by great people who have given more time in analyzing before he say. In the end it may be mentioned that religion is a social phenomenon as well as personal and individual. On the other hand we would be wrong to say that science has made man irreligious or that it is an enemy of morality. Its matter of one’s thinking that makes religion and science a different. I believe that science and religion are the brotherhood to attend the progress of world. Due to my limited vocabulary I am not in position to bring you that science and religion are of no different.

 Man has a body as well as a spirit. Science is concerned only with the body; it can do nothing for the sprit. Science may provide man with physical comforts, but it is religion alone which can give him the courage to struggle against heavy odds. He may even face death itself, with a smiling face. It is religion and religion alone, which can bring the healing balm for his wondered spirit. In this alarming world the learned man especially in science filed have given their efficient support in making the religion more transparent. They have contributed in terms of financial and the words to the world of science to understand that religion is their brother. The conversion of Buddhist text (Kanjur and Tenjur) in English medium is one of the events we can appreciate that religion is going popular.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fate that wait for me.

Fate dominates the way of life. I was born in society that has rich in orthodox and believe on superstition. I don’t have any comment of being grown up in that society, instead I am happy to know that I am brought up by informing all the concept of superstition. It’s not that society is believed in superstition but fate is what Buddhist society believes. I have trust on fate. The outcome of this life is the result of previous life as mention in Buddhists philosophy is what I believe. My society is enriched of Mahayana (Nyingma / Tersa) for past few decades.
 Today the scenario of village is image of sometime what we called heaven. Every subject is the believer of fate. Believe in life after dead. I am also among them to believe in fate. The overlooking mountain with wide valley contains the truth giver to guide the subject to next life. The right lower valley has the residence for monk of shedra (Buddhist College) and left valley has the residence for yogi (Nyeljorpa). The fate society made me to have fate on everything I processed.
 Now moving in line with fate of my life, I stand today in front of crowd with fate. Fates give me a privilege to love her and I do respect fate and love her with my full heart. I don’t want to see my favorite suffering in other hand. I hope favorite is always safe. In this transient life, I meet favorite due to fate but favorite is on other side of my heart. I hope I can one day fulfill the unrealistic dream. I pray and dream that favorite is mine forever.
Nyeljorpa (yogi) and Gelongs (monks)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


                                                Life as an ordain.
It’s astonishing to be see the one who prefer their live as ordain. I wish I am what they are because they are really doing a merit task for every single minute. I know many of us blame about their deed when they commit mischievous deed which is really a minor. Never assume that they are perfect, as no one is perfect, so they do. Their commitment and endeavor toward attending the happiness of all sentient being in the world is what I actually appreciate from my bottom of heart and I do respect their deed. They understand, everything is illusory and temporary. Hence they say happiness in the world is temporary and ultimately illusory. In fact the happiness is the main cause in plunging in the ocean of anguish. Therefore what we could conclude is that impermanence and empty is the nature of all phenomenon.
Our way of life is opposite to their way of life. But one thing we have with us that we could do is way of thinking and deed. If we can at least avoid no good thought, it’s more than sufficient and that will almost equal to what we called merit thought. Now I pray, let the sun shine in every nook and corner of world and remove the darkness that has covered once hearts and souls.