Monday, March 31, 2014


ཚན་རིག་མཐོ་རིམ་སློབ་གྲྭའི་སློབ་ཕྲུག་ནམས།      All the students of CST.
བརྩོན་རིག་མཁས་པའི་སློབ་ཕྲུག་ཙང་རང་ཨིན།Are considered to be hardworking and intelligent.
ཉིན་ཉུབ་མེད་པར་དཀའ་བ་དམངས་དུ་བཅོས།their hard work are non-stopping till day and night
ངལ་རང་ཡོད་ལོ་འབྲུག་པའི་མི་སེར་ཀྱི།             People of Bhutan appreciate for their hard work.

བུ་ཆུང་ང་གི་བསྟོད་པའི་ཚིག་བརྗོདཔ་ད།      when I say above sentence.      
གངས་རི་གུ་ལུ་མཛད་པའི་ཚོར་སྣང་དང།      don’t feel like you are on the top of the mountain.
དངོས་སུ་ཨིན་པའི་ཚོར་སྣང་ཤར་ནི་དོན།      to let the sentence to become reality
གཤམ་མཁོད་བཀོད་མི་རང་གི་ཚང་དགོསཔ་ཨིན།   you have to possess following qualities.

དྲིན་ཅན་ཕམ་ལུ་ཞབས་ཏོག་ཞུ་ནི་གཅིག         To serve the thanking parents.
བཀའ་དྲིན་བསམ་ནི་ཡོན་ཏོན་གནང་མི་སློབ།   to offer gratitude to our thanking teacher
སྤུན་ཆ་ཆ་རོགས་དུད་གཤས་བཞག་ནི་གསུམ།   to have a faith in siblings and friends

སེམས་ལས་མ་བརྗེད་བསྟེན་ཀྱང་སེམས་ལ་བཞག   never let it go from your mind at any time.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

My first class for GIS, Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence (research).

Remote sensing is the use of data collected by precision instruments such as cameras, probes and sensors that are not being operated directly by a technician in the field. And GIS stands for Geographic Information System and it is a computer-based mapping tool that allows users to manipulate large sets of data as layers or themes.
With above definition a Research guide the Research Scientist in National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Sheri.Arun P.V who is currently at College of Science and Technology as a Lecturer familiarize about the topic. It was really an inspiring and interesting introduction. It became more interesting when Distinguish Scientist crake an intelligence joke which has deep meaning. I will have no regret for attaining his class. I will say, I remember his class hours even though it pass many years after 20 years.

I have not yet decided my topic for remote sensing and GIS research. Exploring the content of the remote sensing and GIS, I will choose the appropriate topic which will correlate my class learning with research. 

Updating of Research work will post every time I carry my work. 



Stealing only will not consider embracing
Telling lie only will not consider embracing
They steal for survival
They lie for defense
Making huge mistake will not consider embracing
If they make with no intention

Embracing should have within our mind
Our mind should embrace for our unnoticeable mistake
It’s not people are unknown for our mistake
Our mind should have sense of embracing

Getting huge thing with huge embracing cannot consider merit
Rather getting small thing with no embracing is cheerful and satisfying.
Doing something with dignity is overwhelming a good service
Doing half done is equal to no work done.
Giving with no mind of giving is same as giving nothing
Everything you do without willing heart is undone.

Everything should do with entire heart.

Alteration of season = Nearing of death.

Kamshing meto (peach flower)
Witnessing the blooming of flowers (Kamshing meto) on peach tree I was reminded about the childhood days. I have clear memory of witnessing of blooming flowers on two peach trees below my home in the month of February and March (Dawa Dang pa dang Nye pa: 1st and 2nd month of Bhutanese calendar) when I was at preprimary school.
 If somebody ask me which season is your beautiful season? I would say the spring season because I could remember the beauty of this season.

Every time spring season come but I didn’t realize a year is pass by and nearing to death. I might at dilemma if I still remain unprepared for death. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Something that really no one else gone through.

What should I do when I encounter something that really no one else has gone through, which I can’t handle?
What should I think when I went through something that really no one else gone through? 
Shall I understand my emotion when really no one else can understand my emotion?
Shall I act blind when people around me doing nonsense?
Shall I act deaf when people near me letting to hurt someone?

What should I say when someone say something that really no one else has hear it?
Shall I believe someone a trustworthy when I can’t trust myself?
Shall I analyze before I believe?

Shall I insist aid from experience people around me?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My sincere condolence to missing passengers and crews of MH310. སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས་ལ་ཕྱག་ན་མོ།

With my open heart and begging in front of my root teacher (Tsa-wa-lam), I offer my sincere and deepest condolence to the missing passengers (227) and crews (12) in MH370 on 8th March, 2014 on its way from kuala lumpur to Beijing. 
ང་གི་དུས་ཏ་བུ་རང་དཀོན་མཆོག་གསུམ་ལུ་          མ་ལ་ཨེ་ཤེ་ཡ་གི་གནམ་གྲུ་གྱང་པའི་འགྲུལ་པ་ག་ར་བདག་པའི་ཟངས་མདོག་དཔལ་རི་ལུ་    སྐྱེ་བའི་སྨོན་ལམ་བཏབ་ནི་ཨིན།

“༄།།ཇོ་བོ་སྐྱོན་གྱིས་མ་གོས་སྐུ་མདོག་དཀར།       རྫོགས་སངས་རྒྱས་ཀྱི་དབུ་ལ་བརྒྱན།          ཐུགས་རྗེས་སྤྱན་གྱིས་འགྲོ་ལ་གཟིགས།     སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས་ལ་ཕྱག་འཚལ་ལོ།།”     Om Ma Ni Pad May Hung……..

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Battle of Phase Test I over.

The dated 24th, 25th and 26th of this month (March, 2014) was struggling and challenging days. The scheduled of minimum of two tests per day supplement more challenging. Every second was precious time on that particular days. It is understand student are busy from the scenario of CST compass being silenced.
For me, everything would have went smoothly if I were prepared from the beginning of the semester for the test. I was having a tough time in coping up in completing the revision. Indeed it wasn't revision but reading for the first time.

Now the experience I had from this struggling duration will benefit in upcoming phase test II and eventually to any task I undertake in future. Knowing the fact that the course (Electronics &Communication Engineering) demand hardship, enthusiasm, dedication and interest and staying uninformed about the emerging activities (Test) will result in failing in fulfilling the goal. I shall now remain mindful and observe my actions letting my three doors of body, speech and mind be vigilance. 

I am relief at least now.

Friday, March 14, 2014


Circle of Samsara




"From a spiritual point of view, death is not a tragedy to be feared, but a great opportunity for transformation. Death is our greatest teacher. It wakes us up, helps us to purify and simplify our lives and sort out our priorities.
The fundamental message of the Buddhist teachings is that, if we are prepared, there is tremendous hope, both in life and in death". ~ Sogyal Rinpoche

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Departing of Soul from the host. Tribute to my late Lopen and technician.



The moment we are together and enjoying the moment of happiest moment remain as remembrance when someone among the enjoying moment, stay no more on the earth. It will be a cherishing moment when we are together with our beloved dad, mom, sisters, brothers, and all our related people around but a great sorrow come to us when one of our loving one pass away.
"Uncertain is life, certain is death; it is necessary that I should die; at the close of my life there is death. Life is indeed unsure but death is sure, death is sure." ~Buddha. The day will come when our soul takes a permanent departing time from our body. Before we are too late, let our soul to command good things to the body so that our body do it for the benefit of all sentient being.
The March 8, 2014, Saturday, 12:30 pm was mourning day for family of CSTian (College of Science and Technology) for the lost our beloved Lopen (Lecturer) and Technician. I saw Lopen in the morning of that day walking down to Staff offices in hurried mode. I heard of the incident that happen to them after few hours I saw him, but to me it was unbelievable and it was like a dream.
The memory of Lopen taking class when I was in 5th semester, 2013 are very clear. Lopen speaking related to religious talk in every class apart from normal class and letting us to informed and believed in life after death. Lopen, you are my source of inspiration towards believing in birth after death ever more than what I had before.
The time you spent with member of Nangpay Zhenu (The Young Buddist) Club of CST and talking to the members about the need, cause and effect of doing Rewo Sang choe  and the meaning of offering choepa in the alter daily were your powerful and good footprint that we can be followed. We will never forget to follow and do what you taught us.
You lead a life of peace and clam that offers the environment around you a peace and clam. In short you were simple, humble, sympathy, loving, sociable and helping gentleman. I respect your fine human personality. As a gratitude for your selfless service with dedication to the student of College of Science and Technology and to the sentient being who are in samsara, I will follow your good footprint as a prayer after your death.

Fate has determine the time of your departure but your merit deed to everyone at the last moment of your time of departing will determine your way to born in palace of Guru Rinpoche. I offer my deepest and sincere prayer and condolence to loss of beloved staffs to let their soul born in the marvelous land of Dewachen (Palace of Guru Rinpoche). Let your soul rest in peace.  Two CST staff killed

Marvelous land of Dewachen.


༉       ཐོབ་པ་དཀའ་བའི་དལ་འབྱོར་   མི༌ལུས༌འདིན།
          ཕོ༌མོ༌ཡོངས༌ཀྱི༌  ཐོབ༌ལས༌བསྐལ༌བ༌བཟང།
          འཕྲོ༌ལོ༌མ༌བཏང༌མི༌ལུས༌ དོན༌ཡོད༌བཟོ།
          དམ༌ཆོས༌དྲན༌ཏེ༌ མི༌ལུས༌དོན༌ཡོད༌བཟོ།

          སྐྱེ༌བའི༌ཐ༌མ༌ཤི༌ནི༌ ཐེ༌ཚོམ༌མེད།
          སྡོད༌པའི༌རིང༌ལུ༌  དགེ༌བ༌བཅུ༌དང༌གཞན།


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Let your soul rest in peace. we mourn for their lost


Death is certain but only uncertain is when and where we will die. It was in deed touching and helpless news that make me to feel sorrow in my mind when I heard of passing away of their soul. For their good deed for good purpose will help them to attain the nirvana. They were digging a soil to make stupa under the roof of cave. Unfortunately they were buried under soil when roof of cave they were digging in collapsed. Let me offer my deepest prayer with great dedication to both of you to let your soul rest in peace and ultimately to born in the marvelous land of Dewachen.
We are helpless in bringing you two back on the earth. I salute to you for your good deed at last moment of your life. The turn will comes to everyone to follow the path of death.

Once again I pray both of you to born in the marvelous land Dewachen.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Time varying, world varying.


Expecting people to be same as olden days. But you are making mistake to expect as time varying, world varying. The society along with fragile couple can be seen everywhere. To witness the change of season with beautiful scene change is very wonderful but witnessing couple getting separate within short period after everything done is very disheartening. Society where we live has now become society which is very peculiar. It is astonishing moment to witness a young and fragile boys and girls who are only 14 – 16 indulging in affairs. And sexually transmitted diseases are alarming issues mainly due to all those things.  

Friday, February 28, 2014

Born to death.


Did you realize, we are born to death? Certainly everybody did it but do you at least think about death once a day. Many of us forget about death daily owing to several emotions. It is said people remember and seek help from root teacher (Tsa-wa-lam) only when he reach on the cliff but act differently and forget root teacher when he reach on the plane (Dzongkha Proverb).

What is your first thought as soon as you heard about death of your dad or mom or siblings or friends? My thought at that instant is nothing extraordinary than death is on the way to my life too. It is the lesson in deed but nobody take it as lesson. It is lesson that teach you about the death is inevitable. Knowing the death is inevitable, follow the ethic of the life of human being.        

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Electronics & Communication Engineering in College of Science and Technology.

The 21st century is the era of electronics. Everything is becoming easy with advancement of modern electronics equipment. Thank you expert for coming up with electronics equipment. Bhutan, a land lock country, sandwich between the great China to the north and great India to the south was isolated till 19th century. Today, there is a technical college providing student a knowledge in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. They are absolutely happy for having an opportunity to take over the course. At the same time, beholding at the scenario of job obtainability, they are worried little bit.
First batch of Electronics & Communication Engineering students graduated in July, 2013. Second batch will going to pass out in coming July, 2014 and third batch will be passing out next year in July, 2015. Every time the students pass out, the number of graduate in this discipline will going to increases in the job market. It is owing to no availability of job in Country. Forty five percent of first batch graduate are already employed in various sector, corporation and private company. Druk Air Cooperation,, and Bhutan Telecom limited, few of cooperation that the recently graduate of E&C employed. To the responsible cooperations, companies and private sectors, if your office are in need of Electronics Engineers or Communication engineers, there are Electronics & Communication Engineering graduates of College of science and Technology and from India too. To the Royal Government of Bhutan, Electronics and Communication Engineers are pleased to work dedicatedly like any of civil servants under RCSC (Royal Civil Servant Commission of Bhutan). Government has the capability to increase the slot in E&C discipline during RCSC examination. Unlike this last year (2013), the slot for Electronics & Communication Engineer during RCSC for 2014 is expecting more than one.

Electronics is advancing throughout the globe but limited job in case of Bhutan. Now, student of E&C engineering of Bhutan should be extra cautious in learning the things. Your knowledge of electronics isn’t adequate to support your life but the practical knowledge is more relevant to sustain your life. There are plenty of job related to electronics and communication in the world (subscribe to electronics or Telecommunication job). There is no single day left without advertising the job vacancy announcement. They asked for fresh Electronics and Communication Engineering graduate. But remember, the skills and practical knowledge is relevant as preference are given to those people. My point out here is that grasp the knowledge at the stage of learning. Don’t worry about getting no job but worry about how you will gain knowledge?  And how you will grasp the knowledge at learning stage.    

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Liebster Blog Award

It was indeed a shocking moment as I saw “you are nominated for an Award” in the inbox of my facebook account. I was out from blogging for more than a week owing to tide schedule. So, I was delay in responding the award questions. Let me Thank Sangay Cholden () for nominating me for the Liebster Blog Award. Once again Kadrinche la for nominating me even though I am not in the position to place in nomination. I take this nominee as an opportunity to enhance the inspiration in writing. To me nomination for Award is motivation, dedication, enthusiasm and confident. I will be still unknown about the origin of Liebster Blog Award after I answer questions.

Question 1.Describe your blog in three words.
· Expression- Unless we ask for freedom, the freedom giver never understand our voice. So, I want to express in best possible way.
· Heart – We should be bold enough to experience the any circumstances of our life. Confident rest in my heart and I will express my heart opinion.
· Soul – As said that soul is the king of our body. My soul guide me while expressing my opinion in my blog.

Question 2. Describe yourself in three words
· Pro-active / Timely – I never procrastinate task.
· Religious minded/Superstition – I belief in birth after death. My immense homage and respect for Great Gurus, Tsa- wai –lam (The root Teacher) and all disciples.
· Love – My love and care to my parents is unmeasurable one. I have also same to sentient being and living creatures.

Question 3. Who/what or where dose your blogging inspiration come from?
Speaking frankly, I being brought up and grown up in far flung village of Bhutan have no idea of social media particularly blogger. It was in early 2012, I came to know the blogging exist from my friend, Phub Namgay who is now Gelong of Semtokha Dratshang. He shown me his article being posted in his dashboard. I started making an account for Gmail and finally I am done with making blogger account. But then it wasn’t active. However after I know how to use blog, I could at least post few articles in the ends of 2012.
The REAL inspiration came to me in early of 2013 from the bloggers like Sangay Cholden, Langa Tenzin and Rima Reyka. I follow them and witness the way they make view of blog attractively. I try to maintain my view of blog attractive like them even though I couldn’t write perfectly like them.
On top of those bloggers, I was inspired by many other bloggers that my inspiration bloggers follows.

Question 4. What kind of blog do like to read and follow?
I read whatever comes on the way. In particular, I have no boundary that restrict the things I read. So, I follow any blog irrespective of good or bad. In the bottom line, I agree with what is wright and disagree with what is wrong.

Question 5. Create new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
My nominee’s questions are:
i) What is your intention for blogging?
ii) Do have a mind of helping new blogger? If yes, how?
iii)Can you related your life with blogging?
iv)What is religion for you?
v)Write something, that you think it will help to reader?

Question 6. What time of the day do you write your best content of the blog?
For me writing isn’t an easy task. It’s not always easy to write. I post the content whenever I have a time. I have no specific and allocated time to post my best content of the blog. As I am in college, I prefer night a best time in posting my best content of the blog.

Question 7. What is your favorite social media?
I can’t describe which social media is my favorite. I give equally important to all social media as every media has its own importance. I have no constant favorite social media. All social media is my favorite.  

My nominees for the Award are;
1. Sangay Duba (Sangay Cholden's Random Thought), A student of College of Science and Technology (4th year). My inspiring blogger.
2. Tshewang Dorji (My SiMpLe ThOuGhTs), A maintenance Engineer at Para Airport.
3. Namgay Chojay (my LITTLE VIEWS), A maintenance Engineer at Paro Airport.
4. Karma Wangzom (Wangzom's Thought), Student of College of Science and Technology.
5. Rima Reyka (Overcome life),

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Assam Strike and Bengal strike.

The part of Bhutan like Jomotshangkha (Daifam), Samdrup Jongkhar, Phuntsholing, Lhamoshingkha (Kalikhola), Samtse, Sarbang, Nanglam and Gelephu are suffering when time of strike organized by Indian (Assam and Bengal people). Places don’t suffer but people of these places suffer. Driving direction; Jomotshangkha to Samdrup Jongkhar, Jomotshangkha to Phuntsholing, Phuntsholing to Samtse, Phuntsholing to Sarbang, Phuntsholing to Gelephu, Samdrup Jongkhar to Nganglam and Phuntsholing to Nganglam are all either via Assam and Bengal or some via both Assam and Bengal.
Frequent Assam and West Bengal strike let people delaying their works. Government service people delay their obtained tour because of strike. Villagers waste their days during strike, otherwise have done field works. Student are worried of delaying because of strike when they come to report to school.
The issue isn’t a new issue. It has been for long time back. Now the concern authority (Government) have to take action in solving the issue. All suffers of those place are all Bhutanese. Is justice prevails in providing the infrastructure to those place is a question. If these places are connected road via Bhutan, the convenience is come to the people to dominate the inconvenience occurs during strike.

Present government had a promise made, to connect those place via Bhutan. We are happy to witness to let the promise getting into reality. Almost a year is passing by for their tenure. Hope the road via Bhutan to those places will exist as their tenure run out.     

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Road of my life.

Road of my life were always difficult to pass by.
 I sometime encountered with some night without sleep, when I reflect the road of my life.
 Road has been always a rough one. 
With a determination and hardship I put, I could at least reach the parking I leaded today.
 I have still extra miles to cross the road.

The difficulties; effort to the expenditure of my needs was purely a problem as there is no one behind me to support. 
My father and mother earn nothing. 
They are simple farmer but they did it. 
They let me to stand similar as other people stand. 
The sweat they sweat for me shall never to be forgotten. 
I will always let their hardship to go in no vain.  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ruining of girl’s life by boys.

Blaming and criticizing people for mistake are with every people. We never think before we blame for their mistake. Should we blame for girl if she is pregnant? We should understand the situation before we blame. We as a boy never understand the pain and worry that the girl have. Boy always cheat girl to gain the pleasure. The common words like” I love you and will marry you” are said by boy to girls. The helpless girl believe the untrue words. Finally, she listen what he say. If girl is pregnant, boys never turn up for her help. Imagine you are in her shoe. Carrying infant in stomach without marrying will bring you a great sorrow. The unending thought like what my parent will say if they know? Society will blame me if they know and I would feel shy if they know are always within her mind.

Now to all my friends, boys: Never think of spoiling and ruining the life of girl by saying untrue words if you have no mind to care her. Treat them as your sister rather than cheating and spoiling her life. Think about our precious life being spoiled by someone. I can’t comment, what we would have in our mind if our life is spoil by someone. Think about the situation of your own in not fulfilling what you targeted. How much you feel sad. It is understand, girl suffer a lot with boy spoiling her life. If we spoil girl, it’s a great shame to us.

If any of girls read this article, I have few words to tell you. Never believe in boy’s words until you trust him. You should trust him not within short period of time. Always try to dig out the true feelings to you before you believe him, otherwise he will ruin your life.    

Saturday, November 30, 2013

We are equal.

We the human being are born to do merit task in order to make a society a harmony to live in. Never should we surprise, when people differentiate between human being and human being in terms of anything. We differentiate out of ignorance and not knowing the value of human life. Most probably the one who know the value for human being will one who suffer a lot. Learned man are always expected to be humbled in everything. Is that happening in a real life? Without making a comment for question, I would like to share what we are going to do in rest of our life.
Is a wealth important? Yes certainly because it add a comfort to human life. Now, my question is how people without wealth (poor) are adjusting to be happy? Without any doubt anyone will say they always suffer and happiness to them is out of question.
If we are in position to help the needy one, it’s a merit task. We help the needy one in our best possible way. In return we are award with best and good fortune in this life and will be certainly good for next life. A school going children with disadvantages families should help if we can. With your limited salary, help in making a suffering child happy. For your good deed, you will always be blessed.

My only hope from myself is to let needy one get help from me when I am at least capable from them.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Blogging seems to be suspended.

After a few days I will be reaching my home for vacation. Now, my worry is, will I access to internet to update my event of life in my blog?
I blog frequently. I write stuff that come in my mind. I have no mind of being popular among the bloggers but my intention of blogging is to keep myself up to date with my feeling of my life. I visit my blog and reading the post takes me to the past action that I had reflected in my blog. I could related the past and present.
With my limited vocabulary and broken structure of language, I oath to blog for the time to come.

Let me try to access to internet so that I can update my event of life.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Second version of Sanoem ma wa meser.

In continuation of article of Opinion in Kuensel dated 9th November 2013, I have my say regarding the people of Shingkhar Lauri believe themselves as “Senoem ma wa meser”. They will believe again for few years.
Indeed people are purely humble and obey whatever the head says. They afraid of going against head even they are right. The word Sir is lavishly used in our village to addressed outsider ranging from low post till the high post. I am happy that the good tradition like respecting outsider and within ourselves are prevails. But sometime the title sir is misusing by some people to do one more time fooling the innocent people.
If we are to make a verbal agreement from the meeting of these people, then the agreement outcome will always agree. They are innocent. Innocent because they are illiterate and always believe what their head say. So, head should always take an extra cautious when taking to these people or trying convey something to them. Otherwise they will believe whatever you say. 
I believe there are few potential people back at the village and people of this village in other place, who can bring a development to community by coordinating development activity ethically and morally. It will only true, if and only if these people work with pure mind. Pure mind indicate the free of corruptions and following the certain rules from the reflected rules of Country.
Shingkhar lauri is only place in Bhutan as stated in Dasho’s opinion, he also didn’t forget to say its only place with no connectivity of road and electricity. It’s not that government did nothing to Shingkhar Lauri. They had done many things. The farm road had started clearing a decade ago and electricity a 2 years ago. Then, should we called that the slow progress in the system because of “Sonoem ma wa me ser” reside in this Geog. The term “Sonoem ma wa me ser” shouldn’t be an answer for all obstacles coming along.
Who are the responsible for let the people to say we are the “Sanoem Cho wa me ser”?  Who are the responsible to do always the term “So noem ma wa me ser”? Is the innocent people themselves? Or Local leaders? Or NA member and NC’s responsible? Or Dasho Dzongda and Dasho Dungpa’s responsible?
Its collective responsible but the higher authority has capable of shouldering a core responsible, so they will.
To whom we should blame if the progress work are not doing and is not progressing at acceptable rate. To common people? To local leaders? To MP and NC? Or to dasho Dungpa and Dasho Dzongda? Again it’s everybody’s failures but particularly the higher authority’s failures.
Should I believe Shingkhar lauri a remotest than any of Geog in Bhutan before a decade ago? Certainly my quick response is No. Laya, Lingshi, merak, sakteng and many more village in Zhemgang are more remote than Shingkahr Lauri. We are aware that Merak and Sakteng is already connected by Road and Electricity. Being more remote than ours, connecting everything road and electricity before than ours is few point to be analyzed. What is going on in Jomotshang Dungkhag particularly Lauri geog? Is it because of near boader of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh? Nothing to do with boarder.  So, the authority should look the matter seriously?
Now I feel Jomotshangkha Dungkhag is neglected place because developmental activities are never progress at given period and no action are taking place for the failure.