Friday, October 27, 2017

Practising Christianity will get money but up to certain limit.

Many people in Bhutan are converting themselves to Christian from Buddhist since 1990s. There are many influencer who try to influence innocent people for few buck.

The influencer of Christianity tells our innocent people that becoming Christian is not about practising religion but making money. It is religion of making money by sitting.

The INFLUENCER will ask you to pray to god for your wish. They will ask you to pray to god that you want Nu. 1000 this month. Your prayer should be louder enough to hear by INFLUENCER of Christianity so that he can keep note and arrange your money at the end of the month.

After a month, you will in Church for the prayer. When you close your eyes for another prayer, the INFLUENCER of Christianity will place Nu. 1000 in front of you. INFLUENCER does that because he kept all record of your wishes and prayers since you said louder last month. This time, INFLUENCER will ask you to increase your wishes to grant money but not more than Nu.5000. They will say god has limited blessing. Similarly, you need to say your wishes and prayer loudly so that INFLUENCER can hear you and take note of your wish.

Again, after a month, as usual the money will in front of you as you close your eyes for another wish from god. This time the INFLUENCER will tell you, god has finish their blessing. You can just prayer for well-being. Don't wish for getting money but instead he will tell you if you know any relatives and friends you should bring here with you. For bringing 10 people they will pay Nu. 10000. You must be wondering what type of religion is that? That is religion where you will get money just by influencing people and registering them to Christian.

Your wishes of luxury cars and building finally come to end after Nu. 5000 wishes were granted. And they will tell many condition that if you convert to any other religion, you may die or get many type of sickness. They scare you after you finally collected just Nu.7000.

So, Christianity blessing is limit as you read above. However, it is your willingness whether to choose any religions.


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