Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Fact behind the difference between meat and apple. Difference between meat and vegetable

They have their own reasons for defending their choice to eat meat. They argue that many insects are killed when consuming vegetables, and therefore, it is better to eat meat.

Now, let's consider an example. Let's compare a cow and a cabbage. A cow eats grass to survive, and while doing so, it unknowingly kills insects. We can't count how many insects a cow might have killed while eating grass and walking. It would be more than the number of insects on a cabbage.

Furthermore, we know that a cow carries parasites on its body. When a cow is slaughtered, all the parasites die. It is unimaginable how many insects are killed before a cow reaches us as meat.

When a cabbage is cut for consumption, it does not express pain. The fact is that cabbage does not have a soul.

In contrast, when a cow is brought to a slaughterhouse for killing, we can observe tears rolling from its eyes. A cow tries to escape when it sees other cows being killed. The rolling tears and attempts to escape clearly show that a cow has a mind like humans. A cow experiences fear, just like we do when someone threatens to harm us. A cow feels the same pain as humans do. We can't even bear a minor pinch, let alone imagine being killed.

We are Buddhists and believe in Buddhist teachings. Are you also Buddhist, and do you believe in these teachings? The great masters of Buddhism have stated that all animals were our parents in a previous life. Eating meat is like consuming the flesh of our parents. We should respect our present and past parents. We tend to gravitate towards what tastes good without considering the negative effects. This is due to ignorance.

To non-Buddhists, avoiding meat consumption is not only for Buddhists; it is something that non-Buddhists should also consider. Do you feel pain when someone hits you or when you accidentally hurt yourself? Are you happy when you suffer? Are you happy when your parents suffer? Are you happy when your friends suffer? Would you be happy if someone tried to kill you? Do you fear death?

Based on the above questions, we need to reflect on how they relate to a cow that is consumed as beef. A cow feels pain when it gets hit. A cow suffers from pain, just like we do. A cow fears death, just like we do. A cow feels unhappy when its companions are killed.

The simple reason for avoiding meat consumption is the avoidance of pain. We humans are the civilized beings on Earth, but we become cruel animals when we take the lives of animals for the pleasure of our taste buds.

Therefore, let's not assume that vegetables have insects and that it is better to eat meat. We can each choose our own path, whether it involves eating vegetables or meat. It is a personal choice, but let's refrain from influencing others with false information.

Let's respect our parents of all three times—past, present, and future.

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